This one is a plugin for WordPress sites that turns the frontend into a static site for whatever theme is active, and settings for selecting what all gets turned into a static page. But why static pages? Well, because a static HTML page requires no server rendering and so it’s going to be much faster than any server render page, and any optimization to increase performance is going to help the site convert and keep users.

Before I go further, the plugin can be found on my GitHub

The way this plugin works is by hooking into the save_post action and generating an HTML file of the post saved, and adding it to the site’s uploads folder. It then serves the page by leveraging the .htaccess file and adding rules to it for each post saved. As posts are saved it also saves new versions of that post’s archive pages to ensure those are up to date.

It also will rebuild all posts, pages, and archives when the customizer is updated (as options in there will effect what the theme will display).

Don’t worry, if you ever deactivate the plugin it’ll clean up the .htaccess file after itself.