One of the Shopify themes I’ve worked on was True Nutrition, which went far more in depth & nerdy into the science and nutrition with their protein powder and supplements than most I’ve worked on.

One of the neatest features that I got to work on was their custom protein powder mix builder. A mini app that allows, within Shopify, building a completely customized product and getting around the limitations within Shopify. It allows users to set which proteins to add and how much of each, add boosts to their mix, and add flavor and how intense it is. With each selection, the price of the custom mix will update, and the site will show up to date nutritional facts of the mix (that part was an API that I didn’t work on, I just passed the data through and got the response to display). The best part is that you can both save a link to the mix, or even subscribe to it to get it monthly if you need.

It was a fun little project to work on, you should check it out here